About this Site

wolf-725380_1920I created this blog about living with Lupus because I want to encourage you and give you hope. Since my diagnosis of Lupus in 2009 my journey to wellness and taking charge of my health has been a long one. I am living with Lupus, Crohn’s, an IGG Deficiency and NASH. I  strive to wake up each day healthier, happier and in control of my diseases! I don’t always get it right, but  my hope is that my journey will inspire you while you navigate yours. .  

Even if there isn’t a cure for what we have, we  define how we live. All it takes is consistency, and a willingness to forgive ourselves when we fail. Baby steps! It’s a process, be intentional and each day builds on the next. Before you know it you have changed your life! No matter our physical or mental disabilities, we can live a good life! We are never alone. We have each other and  we are all warriors! 

Thank you in advance for listening and being a part of my life. I hope and pray that these blog posts and this site will help you in some small way to overcome your circumstances and to find joy and peace!

God Bless you,


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